You can locate a charity via our charity directory. If we have yet to research and add the respective charity to our directory, you can find the charity in our charity database which comprises ALL of Hong Kong’s Section 88 tax-exempt charities.
Navigate to the charity directory. You can search for different charities through the filter. Once you have found a charity that you want to compare, hover over the charity logo and you will notice a button with a left and right arrow. To compare charities click on this and it will add that charity to the ‘compare panel’ on the right of your screen. You can compare up to five different charities. Then simply, click ‘compare’ in the compare panel to open the page for the full comparison.
Please note that we are still working on refining our comparison tool and bugs may occur. Should you spot any such bugs, please contact us.
In order to submit a charity need request, you will need to register yourself as a user. Once you have registered and are logged in, navigate to the “Add Listing” webpage and click “Submit Charity Needs Request”. Then, simply complete the the form and submit.
Alternatively, while less efficient, if you are facing difficulties creating a user, you can use this offline form to submit a charity need request: Charity Needs & Requests Airtable form. We will then manually upload the request to the website for you.
Navigate to the “Charity Resources” menu dropdown and select “Non-Profit Software Discounts & Offers“. There you will see a link that takes you to a website form that you can complete to submit the software. Note that doing so requires you to register a user and being logged in.
Alternatively, while less efficient, if you are facing difficulties creating a user, you can use this offline form to submit a software offer: Software Discounts & Offers Airtable form. We will then manually upload the request to the website for you.
Please contact us with more information. We will thereafter strive to make relevant updates as soon as possible.
We base our charity database and charity directory on the Inland Revenue Department’s monthly official list of Section 88 tax-exempt charities (see here). Our charity database stays up-to-date with this list, though there may be a few days delay from when the IRD list is made public until the charity database is synchronized accordingly.
While we have a prioritised list of charities we are currently researching, we welcome suggestions and will do our best to meet such requests. Simply contact us and let us know which charity you want to be researched and why.
We could greatly benefit from volunteers in a wide array of different areas, including legal matters, web development, python scraping, information systems, fundraising, and a lot more. However, the best and easiest way to get started volunteering is by helping us conduct research. Read more here.
We would love for your company to get involved with Shared Data and we can create ad hoc solutions that cater to your CSR needs. For example, we can create relevant solutions where your staff can help us undertake research with gamified research leaderboards and more. Contact us for more details.
We welcome any donation, which will go directly to supporting the development of our Shared Data initiative. To learn more about how to donate, please see here.
Please contact us at with more details. Please include screenshots and other relevant information so that we may easier assist.
Please contact us at with more details. Please include screenshots and other relevant information so that we may easier assist.
Please contact us at with more details. Please include screenshots and other relevant information so that we may easier assist.
We are aware that our analytics dashboards may load slowly for the time being. If it loads forever, please try refreshing your page. Also, note that we are working on solutions that will render these analytics quicker and more efficiently. Should you be stuck with a specific issue, please contact us.
We do not currently facilitate for any donations on our platform. Instead, we enable charities to list their short-term needs via the “Charity Short-Term Needs” directory. However, please contact the respective charity directly on matters related to direct donations and support.
We have created a guide that is based on the information and instructions from the Inland Revenue Department. See Guide to Charitable Donations.
We realize that our terminology may be a bit confusing at first. Our charity database refers to our up-to-date Airtable base of ALL of Hong Kong’s tax-exempt charities – which is updated monthly based on the Inland Revenue Department’s charity list. Our charity directory refers to our growing website directory of charities that we have researched, including having reviewed financial statements and more. We avoid including charities that have not been researched yet on the website directory to make it more relevant and useable.
We have created a separate guide that further explains our charity classifications. See here.
We have created a separate guide that further explains the information we extract from statutory audited financial statements. See here.
We have created a separate guide that elaborates further on our analytics dashboards and how a user can get the most use out of these. See here.
The tag identifies HK charities that have participated in the FSI Community Connections (CC) program. The CC program is designed to empower social impact organizations (including HK tax-exempt charities), while simultaneously providing opportunities for corporate employees to contribute to the society through skills-based volunteering. The goal is to drive collective social impact by helping high-impact organizations reach their full potential, resolve bottlenecks, and maximize resources. You can learn more here.