Aberdeen Baptist Church
使命宣言 作為仔浸人,我們確信:榮耀上帝是信徒的天職,順服上帝是履行這天職的生活態度, 與上帝、與人與自己重建美好關係是實踐的方向。 因此我們藉著浸禮互相結連,合一敬拜,實踐真理,肢體相交,恩賜配搭、 好使我們更可以去,使人成為耶穌基督的門徒。... Read More
God called us to teach the truth of the gospel to the body of Christ with special emphasis on His unconditional love and the balance between grace and faith. We are doing our best to fulfill that call by teaching at conferences, in churches, on television, through podcasts, by training others at Charis Bible College, and by developing ministry materials to help you in your relationship with the Lord.
We welcome you to this ministry and pray that this is just the beginning of a relationship that will help you know and understand our loving heavenly Father in a deeper way.
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