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Able Charity Limited

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ABLE Charity first came together back in 1993 as a Grassroots environmental action group. It was founded as a direct consequence from a lack of protection and a voice, for Lamma’s environment. A campaign was launched to stop the reclamation of a beautiful beach on the island which resulted in a success story that led to the official registration of the group as a charity with the Hong Kong government where it remains so to this very day.
The charity has had a colourful history with a considerable amount of success, yet has always chosen to keep a low profile in the grand scheme of things to just get on with it.

The Vision
The Lamma Forest is a natural resource for all generations present and future, one whose value will increase in the years to come.
The land currently has no adequate protection so the vision is to rezone the land into a Conservation Area (CA) thereby safe guarding it for the future.
The Lamma Forest is a gift for one and all to enjoy.

Our Mission
We want to raise awareness about a fundamental integral link between people and ecology. They are one and the same, yet our modern lifestyle inadvertently separated as well as distanced humans from their environments. This has had serious consequences which have become quite obvious today, but less so in the early 1990’s of Hong Kong. Leading ABLE charity to be assume the responsibility of implementing change through direct action and by setting examples that inspire change in the behaviour, lifestyles and habits of people.

Official Government Information

Effective date
March 15, 1994
Org. Structure
Company limited by guarantee under the Companies Ordinance

Contact Information

P.O. Box 50, Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island, Hong Kong

Additional Information

Target Beneficiaries
Nature and Environment
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG15: Life on Land


Financial & Legal Information

Working Capital Ratio
Donation Received
Total Income
Total Expenditure
Latest Audit: Financial Year End Date
December 31, 2020
Balance Carried Forward to Next Year
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Director Remuneration
Liabilities to Assets Ratio


Audit on website?
Annual report on website?
Directors disclosed on website?

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Last Updated By

Jon Pedersen

Member since 4 years ago
  • jonandrepedersen@gmail.com
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