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Hong Kong Cancer Fund


About Us:
Hong Kong Cancer Fund is the city’s largest cancer support organisation, providing free information and professional support to anyone living with or affected by cancer. Established in 1987, our vision is to better the quality of cancer support in Hong Kong and ensure that no one faces cancer alone. We began by offering free information and support, which has expanded over time to address all aspects of care. Our work encompasses professional psychosocial care services, home care, peer support, funding of hospital equipment and local cancer research, public education, and much more, filling the gaps in cancer care. Hong Kong Cancer Fund’s services are free.

Our Vision:
So no one faces cancer alone

Our Mission:
1. We commit to provide holistic supportive care for cancer patients and their caregivers in HKSAR regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, social status, age, race and religion;
2. We respect all cancer patients’ decisions in life and their dignity, and are highly motivated to care and support them throughout their cancer journey;
3. We provide assistance to relieve patients who face emergency financial difficulties due to cancer and lack access to other social and community resource support;
4. We empower cancer patients’ to self-manage, serve and support other patients with the same cancer type;
5. We are open to collaboration with the government, hospitals and community partners so as to provide a comprehensive, seamless care and support system in the region.

Core Values:
1. Impartial to all cancer patients and clients;
2. All users are cared for under a respectful and comfortable environment;
3. We strive to provide evidence-based professional services to assure the therapeutic qualities of our professional services;
4. Data privacy and confidentiality are a priority;
5. We adapt our services continuously according to the changing psycho-social needs of the community;
6. As cancer survival rates increase, we advocate with the government to allocate additional resources towards the mental and physical wellbeing of cancer survivors in the community;
7. We also advocate for the government to relax immigration policies to allow overseas workers who lose their employment due to a cancer diagnosis to remain in Hong Kong and undergo treatment.

Official Government Information

Chinese Name
Effective date
February 26, 2009
Org. Structure
Company limited by guarantee under the Companies Ordinance

Contact Information

2501 Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

Additional Information

Target Beneficiaries
Children (persons under the age of 14), Elderly, Ethnic Minorities, Migrant Workers, Other Chronic Illnesses, Sexual Minorities (the LGBTQ Community), Those Under the Poverty Line, Youth (age between 15-24)
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG3: Good Health and Well-being;SDG16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions


Financial & Legal Information

Other Documents
Working Capital Ratio
Donation Received
Subvention Funding from SWD
Total Income
Total Expenditure
Latest Audit: Financial Year End Date
March 31, 2021
Balance Carried Forward to Next Year
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Director Remuneration
Liabilities to Assets Ratio

Social Media


Audit on website?
Annual report on website?
Directors disclosed on website?

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Jon Pedersen

Member since 4 years ago
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