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Kids4Kids Limited

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Vision: Kids4Kids envisions a future where all young people are empowered to be changemakers with the belief that they are never too young to change the world.

Kids4Kids believes in the power of young people as leaders of our future. We believe it is our responsibility to equip them to be socially responsible and active agents of change.

Kids4Kids empowers young people to become changemakers by creating a network that inspires creativity and builds the capacity for them to be problem solvers in the real world.

By creating a transformation journey for young people, Kids4Kids helps them to build confidence, discover their inner powers, and utilize their strengths to take positive actions. Our journey empowers young people to be socially responsible individuals who work together toward the UN's Goals to change the world.

Our Values

By connecting young people to collaborate with each other on common goals, Kids4Kids creates a sense of belonging and a community of change for young people. Through contributing to society, we ignite their relationship with their own community.

Through learning by action, we create a network of young people who are responsible for their own actions, for their peers and bringing positive changes in the world.

Mutual respect
By fostering interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence, we instill in young people the importance of kindness, empathy and individual differences in human relationships based on mutual respect

Official Government Information

Chinese Name
Effective date
March 26, 2010
Org. Structure
Company limited by guarantee under the Companies Ordinance

Contact Information

16A, Tak Lee Commercial Building, 113-117 Wanchai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Additional Information

Target Beneficiaries
Children (persons under the age of 14), Nature and Environment, Those Under the Poverty Line, Youth (age between 15-24)
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG4: Quality Education;SDG1: No Poverty, SDG3: Good Health and Well-being, SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production, SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals, SDG10: Reduced Inequality, SDG4: Quality Education, SDG5: Gender Equality, SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG9: Industry and Innovation and Infrastructure


Financial & Legal Information

Other Documents
Working Capital Ratio
Donation Received
Subvention Funding from SWD
Total Income
Total Expenditure
Latest Audit: Financial Year End Date
March 31, 2021
Balance Carried Forward to Next Year
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Director Remuneration
Liabilities to Assets Ratio

Social Media


Audit on website?
Annual report on website?
Directors disclosed on website?

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Last Updated By

Jon Pedersen

Member since 4 years ago
  • jonandrepedersen@gmail.com
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